Author: theguy0727

Happy Valentire’s Day!

Thanks to all the wonderful people at Point S Tires, I can finally breathe again. They hooked me up with four brand new off-road tires and new brakes to go around. It’s a good thing I decided to celebrate the New Valentire’s Day Holiday this year, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have splurged yet. I didn’t realize my safety was on the line until I had them look under the chassis.

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Building a Better Southern Oregon

Some of you in the Grants Pass or Illinois Valley area may already know Farmer’s Building Supply because you may have already shopped there or maybe you just drive by it every day as you head to and from work. You may also know they are a Staple in the community. But, not everyone knows the true heart of the company more than the man who was raised in the business, Mark Stutzman.

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Cornhole at the Court House

The New Year is upon us and it’s kicking off just right! Everyone had a blast at the very first indoor Totem Pole Cole Tournament presented by Spirit of the Fair. There can only be one top team of the Cornhole Tournament, which there was, but everyone went home very happy. Each person was able to make new friends and enjoy each other’s competitive nature outside of the home, but inside away from the brisk winter air.

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This Year is Valentire’s Day

This new Holiday called Valentire’s Day applies to you, and just about everyone you know, in one way or another and everyone is encouraged to celebrate it. If you’re a car person, you are usually in dire need of an excuse to get some new treads for no particular reason. If you’re a loving and caring person, you may need to get your significant other a brand new set of tires to make sure the family always arrives safely at their destinations; most of the time usually isn’t good enough.

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Express Yourself & Promote Yourself

Becoming known in your community is no easy feat. It takes creativity, persistence and dedication to get people to remember who you are and to think of you when the time is right. There are many attributes that a person has that are natural and many that are not-so-natural to get people to be remembered; some good and some bad. 

For example, it would be very pleasant to be remembered as the person who always brings gifts to people, but not so pleasant to be remembered as the one who always asks for favors, but never repays them. But, one thing that is for certain is that if you are giving and helping to solve people’s problems, they will remember you forever. All you have to do is Express Yourself & Promote Yourself. But how?

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What are you looking at?

How much of your day do you think is spent looking at still images? It’s probably more time than you think. Still images are every you look; on your phone, on your TV, on your computer, in magazines, in newspapers, during your daily commute, while you’re running errands, on the weekend road trip and even on family vacations. For the most part, these still images are used to sell you something and there is no escaping them.

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