Year-Round Family Fun & Fitness

Court House Family Fitness

America’s Best Kids

Medford, OR

Getting out of the house when it’s cold or hot outside doesn’t have to be a chore. If you, and your family, haven’t exercised in a while, it will definitely be difficult to get out of the house and into the gym to exercise. But, it will only be that way for a few weeks.

There are quite a few things at play. Your body is weak and you probably haven’t been eating healthy for a while. You are exhausted from working and just don’t have the energy to get out and exercise. Before I go on, it takes about 3 weeks to make something a habit. It also takes your body about a month of eating healthy and exercising for your body to begin getting stronger.

During the pandemic, I was (and still am) on the computer a great deal of time. I worked so many long hours building, creating, writing, developing, inventing, etc. that I forgot to take care of my body. By the time the sun began to rise again, and things began to open up, my mind was stronger than ever but my body was very weak. Once I began getting out talking to people and doing events again, I could barely walk by the end of each day. It was only that way for a few weeks. Once my legs began getting stronger and I was active again, everything began to change.

First, there is a mental barrier you must overcome. Second, you have to make the decision to get healthy (and hopefully stay healthy). Third, you have to get out there. Fourth, you have to give it time.

All this sounds so hard, I know. You just have to take it one day at a time.

However, think about your life six months down the road. Think about all the new friends you will make, how your body will feel much stronger, how your family will be much happier, how your family life will be much better, how your work will improve and the list keeps going.

Having said all that, finding a place that is fun for the whole family isn’t always easy. If you haven’t been to the Court House in Medford yet, you are in for a real treat. Not only do they have fitness-related entertainment, but they have a whole lot more, especially for kids. They have the America’s Best Kids programs which combine sports and learning into multiple after school programs, baseball/softball hitting programs, basketball programs, summer camps, karate, gymnastics and more!

It’s almost the new year so get out that New Year’s Resolution form and register your family today! The summer you will love you for it!
Facebook: @thecourthousegym


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