Author: theguy0727

An Introduction to Mini Monster Trucks

As a fan of Monster trucks, one of the ultimate dreams would be to have the opportunity to get behind the wheel and to feel the 1,500 horsepower engine rip, roar and tear through, over and around anything in its path.

One of the best ways to accomplish this dream is to start very young through other types of motorsports. Corbin began his career racing Jr. Outlaws and Mini Dwarfs. Through the connections his parents made within the sport, they purchased the High Risk Mini Monster Truck (formerly Wrecking Machine) and the rest is history.

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Welcome to the Spirit of the Fair

Spirit of the Fair embodies the ethos of ‘Give First – Give Back – Give Often,’ dedicated to enriching local communities through community service, fundraising, and charitable initiatives. Our mission extends beyond the fleeting moments of annual fairs, as we strive to keep the fair’s magic alive all year long. With our unique approach to ‘Community Oriented Entertainment,’ we ensure the vibrant spirit and excitement of the fair continues throughout the year, fostering continuous community engagement, raising funds, and promoting upcoming events.

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