Fuel Efficiency Best Practices

Fuel Efficiency Best Practices

Point S Tire & Auto Services

Southern Oregon and Surrounding States

It seems as though fuel prices are never going to get better. They hit an all-time high just about every other day. Unfortunately, there’s not much most people can do about the high cost of fuel, but there are some things that can be done to increase the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. 

First and foremost, it’s important to slow down! The faster a car moves, the more resistance there is from the sea of air that surrounds the vehicle. While air is invisible to the naked eye, there is a lot of it and it’s very thick. It is recommended to travel between 55 and 65 mph on the freeway. While it may be difficult to accomplish, it’s much easier with cruise control, especially since everyone else will be traveling faster.

Secondly, it’s very important to take care of the vehicle. Servicing the vehicle on regular intervals will not only maintain the quality of the vehicle, but it will also make it more fuel efficient. For example, when the air filter is dirty, air cannot get into the engine and the engine can’t perform at it’s top potential.

Lastly, checking tires on a regular basis is extremely important. Many service stations, including Point S Tire & Auto Service, will do it for free so it’s very easy to stay on top of it. The little extra time it takes to check the tires will pay off big at the pump. 

Regardless of how much time it takes to maintain a vehicle, it’s always worth slowing down, servicing the vehicle and also maintaining the tires.

Point S Tire & Auto Service

Point S Tire & Auto Service

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