TGIF! Thank Goodness it’s Fry-Yay!

Rogue Valley DJs Rogue Karting Indoor Go-Karts Medford Oregon photo by Stone Parrish Photo

The funniest part about a DJ is that they always have to turn down the music to make announcements.

Let’s just say, some are less than eager to take on the responsibility. They’ll read the announcements with their head buried in the paper and in a monotone voice.

The guests don’t like it, the promoter doesn’t like it, the sponsors don’t like it. No one likes it!

Well, guess what?! @roguevalleydjs are the exact opposite!

Have you ever tried filming the person reading the announcements? I bet their tune would change if they knew they were going to be on social media.

Tim Poppa knew he was going to be recorded but he didn’t care. He was happy to do it. That’s the point as to why he’s awesome!

But, man oh man, did Mr. Tim read those announcements with glory and glamour and he even threw in the dance moves at the end for free! That was unexpected!

He’s obviously a stand up guy. You need to check his video out on our timeline. You’ll get a giggle.
For the rest of you, problem solved! ?

Hire Rogue Valley DJs!

Photo by @stoneparrishphoto

#djmedford #djroguevalley #djsouthernoregon #djoregon #weddingdjoregon #eventdjoregon #weddingoregon


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