Author: theguy0727

Holiday Memories That Last a Lifetime

Depending on where you grew up, you may have all kinds of Holiday memories and stories in the snow. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, there are still many memories you have with your family during December when everyone else is celebrating. Either way, the winter Holidays are synonymous with cold, rain, sleet and snow, and of course, all the ways to enjoy or combat the aforementioned.

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Are Your Tires Tired?

Depending where you live, winter is officially here. There have been severe storms all over the country recently without any signs of slowing up. I was driving in the rain last week and was quite surprised at how well my little 4-cylinder hatchback was handling in the rain. I didn’t think about it at the time but those tires are above average with regards to wear-and-tear since I just purchased the car last year from a dealership with high standards.

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Connecting to the Community

If you’re a business owner, you are most likely familiar with the Local Chamber of Commerce. However, like many Small Business Owners, you may not be plugged in enough, or at all, to maximize your revenue potential. There’s an old saying, “There’s no business like show business.” It’s amazing to think, but 90% of the time, it’s just about showing up. That, and you just have to learn how to put on a good show. Business is almost entirely made up of personal relationships and referrals, especially in the highly digital era with many little companies and very little trust.

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