Healing Water

How Drinking Water Helps Heal Your Body

It’s very likely that as you sit reading this, you are dehydrated. How many times have you had pure water to drink in the last day, week, month, or even, the last year? We are a society that goes-goes-goes and we think caffeine is the answer to all our exhaustion problems. I know this because the lines at all the coffee shops are always long; day-in and day-out.

Did you ever stop to think your body is trying to tell you something when you are yawning all day, feeling sleepy when you shouldn’t and less alert at the times you need to be most alert? Yes, there are times when caffeine is necessary, but it’s extremely important to counteract the effects of caffeine by drinking lots of water. 

Most of you know caffeine is a diuretic (it makes you go to the bathroom). When you drink lots of caffeine, you are flushing out many nutrients from your body, as well as all the liquid. Adult humans are made up of about 60% water and oppositely, the water you drink hydrates your body as well as flushes out bad toxins. 

It is recommended to drink about 125 ounces of water per day for a man and about 91 ounces for a woman. You can’t survive without drinking plenty of water so please take it more seriously.

The feeling you get when you are really hydrated is literally like a natural rush. Your body feels amazing, your mind is clear, you are happier and overall, much healthier. 

Everyone has their opinions, and here’s the most honest opinion you will ever get. First off, we all have a good intuition as to what is healthy and what is not. It gets pretty old hearing Doctors telling us what we should and should not do. “Yes, Doc, I know!” But, what the Doctors just don’t realize is that water by itself is oftentimes boring and I’d much rather be hydrated from drinking Gatorade than dehydrated from not drinking enough water. 

Do what’s best for you, but do take it seriously. You’ll be amazed at how many of your daily issues stem from just one easy-to-change behavior. All you have to do is find something you like with the least amount of sugar (and no caffeine), and drink it consistently.

I write this article because my life changed significantly when I began taking this seriously. I still drink caffeine. I’m not perfect, but I have found a way to counteract the effects by drinking Gatorade Zero. I love it and it is the absolute best thing I’ve found for me. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.

Here’s a few tips: If you are peeing frequently and your pee is clear, you have too much water in your system. If you are peeing infrequently and your pee is really bright yellow, you are dehydrated. You want your pee to be mildly yellow to be just right. 


If you are interested in learning more about hydration benefits, visit hydrationhealing.com. They are a locally owned and operated company who are passionate about helping people heal in ways never thought possible. On the site’s blog, you will find great information about why and how you should be drinking water. Your visit could be life-changing so don’t wait!


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