Author: theguy0727

The New Mini Mall

Have you heard? Have you seen? Have you been? The G St Marketplace’s new mini mall style shopping is awesome! They work with 28 local artisans, artists and crafters who create and sell really interesting and unique New and Used crafts at the G St Marketplace. If you enjoy going to fairs and festivals and shopping at all the different vendors, that’s what it’s like, but it’s there all the time. 

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Big Problems. Big Solutions. Common Connections.

Common Connections is a community-focused nonprofit organization based in Grants Pass, OR. They began in 2016 with a vision to solve big social problems (i.e., housing for low-medium income levels). The very best way for everyone to help solve big problems is to donate time. Not many people have the ability to pay people back, but as Catherine Ryan Hyde, Executive Director of Common Connections proudly says, “If you can’t pay it back, pay it forward.” 

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What is the Spirit of the Fair?

The Spirit of the Fair is a feeling, but it’s also togetherness and community. The best way to explain this is to begin with the Fair. Most of us who grew up in the U.S. know exactly what the Fair is, but it’s something most of us have ever given much thought about. We grew up knowing that the Fair was once a year (usually during the Summer when it was really hot out) and we would go with our friends and family at least once.

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Healing Water

It’s very likely that as you sit reading this, you are dehydrated. How many times have you had pure water to drink in the last day, week, month, or even, the last year? We are a society that goes-goes-goes and we think caffeine is the answer to all our exhaustion problems. I know this because the lines at all the coffee shops are always long; day-in and day-out.

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The Party Starts Here

Getting involved with the community doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many things to do around any city or town if enough effort is put in. All you need to do is jump on the internet and you will find more than enough to do, especially if it’s a populated area. However, what happens when you live in a small town? Even though there are always things to do, how do you know which are the best and which aren’t? The easiest way is to connect with your local community.

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Donating Toys to Kids

Only 3 Days Until Christmas! Did you know Toys for Tots has been delivering toys to kids since 1947? That’s right! There has always been a need for people to help and the Marines have been helping kids for a very long time. If you haven’t been to a Toys for Tots toy drive, both Marines and Jr. Marines help parents choose out of hundreds of toys for the perfect gifts for their kids. They walk side-by-side with each parent, carrying a large plastic bag and each person pays special attention to the parents the entire time.

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